The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act or FACT Act requires each of the three credit reporting companies to provide you a free copy of your credit report, at your request, once every 12 months. A credit report contains information about you and your credit/payments history. This information is used to evaluate you applications for credit, insurance, employment, renting a home and for other purposes.
Visit or call (877) 322-8228. You can also contact the credit reporting companies:
Order from all three for a more accurate appraisal of your credit score — each company derives its information from different sources. Some experts advise staggering your reports over the course of one year to track your status with a free report every four months.
You Can Also Get a Free Report if…
If You Find Inaccuracies in Your Report…
An employer or prospective employer cannot get a copy of your report without your written consent.